"War Art" is a bookwork containing pencil and watercolour drawings of 'Old Masters" pictures of wars. The drawing are on old style high quality Bristol paper and covered in paraffin candle wax. It is sleek, almost slippery, almost oily, very pleasing to hold, feeling like skin and utterly touchable.
Artist's Books
printed editions and unique works
with and without words
"The Fool, love poem" Lino-cut /litho on Rives edition of 10 16x14cm
The Fool likes fear, fears danger, dares.
The Fool dances on matchsticks, foolhardy, striking up conversations with Death.
Dammed Lucifer,
a bright boy really, a shame to be so wild, with nowhere to roam,
no natural habitat, no normal cull, no home.
Come home with me.
Dance on the head of a pin
spin sparks alight black & white
The Fool likes fear, fears danger, dares.
The Fool dances on matchsticks, foolhardy, striking up conversations with Death.
Dammed Lucifer,
a bright boy really, a shame to be so wild, with nowhere to roam,
no natural habitat, no normal cull, no home.
Come home with me.
Dance on the head of a pin
spin sparks alight black & white
"Blood Story" screenprint edition of 10 on Stonehenge
Stop, Look, Touch pop out Artist Book 5cm x 2,2 cm, brass, paper viscosity etching, ribbon, letraset
"Meander-in-order" unique small
Meander-in-Order Artist Book, aluminium, glassine, photograh paper, ribbon,typewriter, golden powder, letraset 5.5cm x 3.25 cm
Meander-in-Order Artist Book, aluminium, glassine, photograh paper, ribbon,typewriter, golden powder, letraset 5.5cm x 3.25 cm
"(no) Free Lunch" lino on bread